Installing htop

htop is an interactive process viewer for Linux, which is a powerful alternative to the start 'top' utility. Some of the benefits of htop:

  • Supports mouse interactions
  • Better sorting and selective display
  • Color formatted display
  • Resource graphs
  • Process treeview

To install htop to Redhat or CentOS (5.X) Linux easily via the yum package manager, the rpmforge package repository must be installed. To install, retrieve, and install the following RPM for your architecture (32bit or 64bit).


rpm -Uhv rpmforge-release*.rf.i386.rpm


rpm -Uhv rpmforge-release*.rf.x86_64.rpm

Now that the rpmforge repository is installed, you can install the htop package easily via yum.

yum install htop
htop FAQ

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