How To Compress And Extracting Files

To Compress A File Or Directory

Log into your Linux server.

Locate the files or directory that you want to compress

Type the following commands: For compressing a file;

"tar czvf name_of_compressed_file.gz /location_of_the_file_you_are_compressing.

Or if you are compressing a directory

"tar czvf name_of_compressed_file.gz /location_of_the_directory_you_are_compressing.

The attributes are what tell the program how to handle the compress; 

  • -z: Compress archive using the gzip program
  • -c: Create the archive
  • -v: Verbose |  display progress while creating the archive
  • -f: Archive the File or Directory name


Extracting A File Or Directory

Type the following command for extracting a file;

"tar czvf name_of_compressed_file.gz /location_of_the_file_you_are_extracting.

Or if you are uncompressing a directory

"tar xzvf name_of_compressed_file.gz /location_of_the_directory_you_are_extracting.

The attributes are what tell the program how to handle the compress; 

  • -z: Compress archive using the gzip program
  • -x: Extract the archive
  • -v: Verbose |  display progress while creating the archive
  • -f: Archive the File or Directory name
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