The Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol by default uses port 22. Accepting this value does not make your...
DomainKey and DKIM working simultaneously in KloxoI have DomainKey and DKIM working simultaneously. Here's what you need to do 1. install...
How To Install Nginx On Kloxo# update system yum update # update kloxo - repeat until version 6.1.10 when running 'sh...
How to Create/Restore Backup In KloxoBackup/Restore is a core part of Kloxo. You can take backup of your entire hosting and you can...
How to Install LiteSpeed on a WHM/cPanel ServerHere’s how you install LiteSpeed on a WHM/cPanel Server – it should take about 25minutes from...
How to optimize memory in Kloxo1. First take care of MySQL : You need to SSH to your VPS at first.Now if you don't already...
Install ionCube Loader Using The Atomic Yum Repository On CentOS LinuxThe other day I needed to install ionCube Loader for encrypted PHP code to run on a CentOS Linux...
Installing Zend Optimizer On DebianThe Zend Optimizer enables you to run Zend Guard encoded files.1. Download a copy of Zend...
Internal Server Error while accessing cPanel, WHM & webmailWhen accessing cPanel, WHM & webmail at times you get a error as below. Performing upcp OR...
MariaDB MYSQL Invalid Grant String Set Default Role 0Symptoms When accessing cPanel >> MySQL Databases you receive an error with the following:...
Optimising Wordpress BlogEvery one loves wordpress and they enjoy working on it . However using a custom theme and plugins...
Reducing memory In KloxoLet's reduce the Mysql server memory requirements # nano /etc/my.cnf inside section [mysqld]...
Repairing a MySQL Database with phpMyAdminOccasionally database tables become corrupt and you are no long able to access them. It is a good...
Reset a MySQL root passwordSo you've managed to misplace your root login for a MySQL database? Not to worry, the following...
Setting up a Linux Streaming ServerLinux, streaming server Linux, allows you to stream video, audio or other media on your website....
Tuning MySQL Performance with MySQLTuner1 Using MySQLTunerYou can download the MySQLTuner script as follows:wget...
Using VI Text EditorText editors are programs used to create or edit files. One of the most popular editors on...
VPN via the TUN/TAP deviceKernel TUN/TAP support OpenVZ supports VPN inside a container via kernel TUN/TAP module and...